Tuesday 12 April 2016

Toby Turner rape allegations and the problem with the phrase 'rape culture'

Toby Turner AKA Tobuscus is currently being accused with rape and rape it makes people angry. Why wouldn't it, it's a disgusting vile thing. Here's the thing though, why are people assuming the YouTuber Toby Turner is guilty or innocent for that matter? Firstly April Skywalker one of the people accusing him of rape she wrote a post on Tumblr about Toby, it's about Toby Turner and her time with him. Okay, so.... You've been raped and abused and you decide the best thing to do is go to Tumblr for justice? You don't post something on social media for justice, you do it for vengeance, you want justice, you got to the police which ExeoInfinte pointed out with his two cents on the matter. April also shared a screenshot of her and Toby's conversation, I mean it has to be true right? But if you look online there's iPhonetextgenerators which don't take a second to find, holy fucking shit...can these message be forged, umm yeah, possibly.

Secondly, April discussed in her Tumblr post that she had lots of Emails between like hundreds and thousands with Toby, well why not screenshot those, evidence that would of been more viable for your case? It doesn't tell me anything or back up...it's so ambiguous and shitty. The screencaps came out to public eye when she was accused of lying,so there's that. 

Now the phrase 'rape culture is real' after something happens like this, that's annoying. As soon as someone like this say they are raped on social media, it annoys the crap out of me because instantaneously hate is thrown at this guy, abuse and his videos are now going to have dislikes, hate comments, he's going to get abused on Twitter. If we were a rape culture, wouldn't we say some things like "oh you probably asked for it" a rape culture would be inciting rape, not defending it we get angry and disgusted by the fact rape happens,  but unjustly people abuse people and use the phrase 'Guilty till proven innocent' with rape, cut that shit out. There's always the chance he is actually innocent. People should always take a step back and make their own opinion of the matter don't instantly believe either side, be smart about it. There's tons of people who are actually innocent from being accused of being a rapist, paedophile and the abuse could cause them to commit suicide. Again I'm not saying Toby is innocent or guilty or that these women are lying. I'm just looking at it from an outside perspective because until there is evidence it's only a screenshot which could be fake, a Tumblr post and videos from both parties. 

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Kim Kardashian, you are a piece of shit.

Yep, I said it...and it feels great, empowering and electrifying. You name it, I felt it...unless sexual, I didn't go that far, Jesus. Now it's easy to say she's a piece of shit and not add anything onto that, but this has been building up over the years. Normally, I wouldn't care but after the latest nude photo and her response to the hatred, I felt it was about time I had my say.

Firstly, you are famous because you fucked some guy called Ray J? you don't want people to bring that up, well how else would you talk about how to rose to fame in your future autobiography...it wasn't magic, oh no...it was not. Well, I mean, you might of called the video magic. Oops. The great thing about the internet is that when your kid turns into a teenager and is watching porn, he will discover that video, isn't that great...who's that? Oh, that's my mum...

Secondly, Keeping up with The Kardashians...what the fuck is that? Why does there even need to be a show about what you're doing? when what you're up to is in every news article, Facebook news feed and trending every fucking week.

North West, I love that...NORTH WEST, you decided to name your kid North West. I mean the name North is pretty cool, but when you have the surname West, yeah...no. Don't do that, why? That's not going to be taken the piss out of at all when he goes to school, nope "Which ways our class North? *punk sniggers to himself* - But the name is a sign, it's a sign of the direction you should keep going and going,  until you find a rocket ship, get into that and head directly into the sun. Harsh, maybe? But I would never mean it, just a joke...or is it? Any ways...

Furthermore, the nude picture, honestly at first it didn't bother me, it was more your response and of course it was on International Women's Day nonetheless, you questioned how you're not a role model and also stated how you're a mother, there's lots of Mum's Kim in the world, not all of them are good ones. Back to the point, of being a role model...Kim, you are not a role model because, one you may be  'comfortable' in your body, but it's surgically enhanced, the message I personally think that sends to women is  "oh, I don't like my body,  let's surgically enhance it". Nope, women (and men) have their own flaws in and on their body, but they deal with them...nobody is perfect, so why try to make perfection, force it...to me that says, beautiful modified fake body, also fake on the inside.

Another point was Chloe Moretz, you replied to her in a very smug way. As if to say, who the hell are you...Well Kim, I tell you Chloe Moretz is a successful actor, someone who actually worked their way into the industry, took auditions, rehearsed lines. She's a role model to women. Back to the point with you going into the sun when if you were to blow up in the sun, actually I should say melt with all the plastic on your body...what would people say - oh yeah she was the one who wrote th...she sung tha...she acted in tha....she was the one who fucked that guy and it went viral, oh yeah that's her and named her son after a direction, poor kid.

Yes, your family was rich before you became famous because of your father, why was he rich...oh yeah, he was lawyer who defended the murderer O.J simpson and kept him out of prison for murder, until eventually he was actually prosecuted. It get's better and better.

I don't know who I hate more Donald Trump or you...

I could probably write an essay on Kanye, but in short he sounds paranoid all the time, I actually think he needs help.

I'm done. I'm out. Goodbye.