Thursday 22 January 2015

They'll tell you I'm insane...Shut up Taylor Swift. (YouTube - A New Form Of Entertainment)

YouTube almost 10 years old (Feburary 14th 2005- 2015) it's one of the biggest pieces of entertainment around, when I had my laptop back in 2009 I thought YouTube was this online video site where people upload funny videos of cat compilations, video fails of people falling over which it is -  then this whole new reality opened up to me of YouTubers,  I found the YouTuber Shane Dawson back then when I didn't even know YouTuber was a term, I would go through all of his videos as if it was a TV series, his videos were just hilarious to me, dressing up in costumes creating these new characters but also creating videos from personal experiences and sharing these with his fans.

As time passed I found so many YouTubers who did video sketches, that I just could watch hours on end at times people like BrittaniLouiseTaylor, Tobuscus with his literal trailers Onision, Machinima, DasBoSchitt, TomSka,and many more.

All these were great YouTube channels that made sketches and some cases animations, minus Machininma which was full of modded game footage, Top Ten categories but then as time progressed YouTube just exploded with so many different types of videos like tutorials, Let's play, Vlogs so many categories that I cannot think of right now at 2:33 am Friday morning after a day of sleep, revision and the odd bit of snacking...I actually just stopped watching YouTube after catching up with the daily viewing, which I will get more into later of who I'm watching lately.

But then I started to really get into let's plays, like so addicted to them and enthralled when the next episode was coming out this started when I discovered the king of YouTube himself, PewDiePie and it wasn't just any let's plays it was horror let's before I get into this I want to address something that a lot of people I've seen say about let's play channels and even people I know say to me "why don't you play the game yourself" or "why watch someone playing a game" it isn't just about that, these people are entertainers, people who make you laugh when they jump at a jumpy bit in a horror game or the way they just generally act when they play games basically the way they convey themselves and the video while playing the game, it's also the way they connect with their fans. YouTubers are mostly people who have come from nothing and decided they want to play video games, gained an audience from how they act and people find them a joy to watch and if you're one of those people who don't get it then either watch a few videos and if you still don't get it or don't like it then fair enough just don't critcize people who do, they like it, so what. Back to Pewds, he has entertained me with his videos for years, there's certain games I wouldn't of come across or even played if it wasn't for him, there's one I'll never forget and that is the Crooked Man, that story was so weird and creepy that I could not wait to watch the next episode, and yeah the game looked like a Pokemon game the way you walked around and went through places but it has such a compelling story and the way Felix was able to make me laugh even through a serious, sinister, horror game is talent.

I later discovered the "king of squirrels" as he titles himself on Twitter, Mark Fischbach mainly known for his alias MarkiPlier, the first video I ever watched was One Late Night, a short horror story, really well made. What was most enticing about the first time I watched him was his voice, Mark, is really good at conveying the way he speaks/shouts, he could literally read one of my favorite books out loud and it would be better because of his voice, the way he speaks during his video it's like he is the game narrator making the game more eerie and keep me on the edge of my seat, or in most cases when I watch YouTube on my the edge of my bed, slipping off into the unknown darkness of the night...I digress. Mark's reactions would always be loud and having me in hysterics, it isn't just the way he conducts his videos, it's the way he contributes to the fans, when he hit a milestone of 20,000 subscribers a community made a video for him, saying how great of youtuber and person he was and at this point he cried, now what this showed to me is that YouTubers can care for the community they build, it isn't about being paid but what example they show to people. Which in itself is amazing, people who connect with their fans and remind them that they are the reason they are there for that reason...the fans. I'd definitely recommenced the  first video I watched of his He also tends to do his research on the games, like the game engine, the creators certain aspects of the game that some people may find interesting, like fans of certain developers or maybe those who wanted to find new developers. MarkiPliers vlogs always tended to be genuine heart to heart with fans and generally funny, as well as PewDiePie's Friday videos which have not been out so much in recent months but he still gets the odd vlogs out, his Japan vlogs are always fun to watch.

What do I watch now well over recent years it's changed ever so slightly and I've watched people  when just in their thousands who then explode to become in their millions two of these are MarkiPlier and KSI, been a FIFA fan for years and KSI fan, KSI grew rapidly with the FIFA community through him I found his YouTuber friends who are now part of the sidemen like Calfreezy and wroetoshaw, now I tend to also watch Simon (Minminter) who was in a lot of old video sketches. Syndicate, now Syndicate has been around for a while and only recently I watch his minecraft series now and then, his vlogs I tended to watch a lot especially with the transformation with his house, he tended to have quite a upbeat personality to him. Machininma another channel that's been around for years, previously just a website I believe Machinima-Inside Gaming and ETC is the shows I tend to watch with the daily news, weird weekly weird news and gadget news, but it's a shame that Khail left ETC, he was the main reason I watched ETC,  but Ricky and Eliot are great hosts, and Inside Gaming has quite the comical hosts too, they're all a joy to watch. Now to save detail on why I watch the rest I will list the rest of the common Youtubers that I click the 'Watch Later' so I can watch all at once instead of searching through their channels so..ShaneDawson and his 2nd channel, SeaNanners, all the sidemen, HISHE, CollegeHumor, GameGrumps (massive fan in the past year), Russell Brand, Bad Lip Reading, Hugh Wizzy, Team Coco, GhostRobo, LetsPlay, Whiteboy7thst, Westie, Tomska, Caspar (Lee), DasboSchitt, EgoRaptor, FailArmy, Hot Pepper Gaming, Jack & Dean, LadyJane Sparrow, NigaHiga, RayWilliamJohnson, ThatcherJoe and XboxUK.


Sunday 11 January 2015

Well...this is me?

My name is Liam Connor Aaron Browne and I'm an alcoholic 
Oops, wrong place. 

So I decided to start blogging due to me being quite bored at 3am and I feel I have too much on the mind at times so why not share it with the lovely internet...lovely being the optimistic word. I personally never saw much point in me blogging due to being so hateful and wanting to murder everyone. But now those urges have gone as I grow older, not long turning 20 and being a University student has really opened up a new world for me, by that I mean more microwave meals and feeling more alone than ever - Kidding, it's probably the same amount of microwave meals. 

On a serious note University was a big move as for many students and it was scary, not going to a educational place where my friends were, at first I felt really homesick and missed my friends feeling like we could of done more, but we did so much Netflix/series/movie binge watching, eating crap, drinking and many more non-sexual fun activities. At University I got along with my house mates straight away, they're all nice and easy to get along with, but my friends at home will always be my closest friends, they're family a whole new family. I also met some guys on my course we've worked on assignments on the group all lovers of football - one of them supports Arsenal, which is my football team since birth...but I'll get into my love of the team in another blog.

Since being at University I tend to Skype my best friend Tammy, just generally talking about how each others days been, how we were looking forward to seeing each other again...sometimes I would text soppy texts of how much she meant to me as a friend and how I wouldn't be able to get through a day without her, all that kind of soppy malarkey.

It's now the 12th of January 4am in the morning...since then I have been home exactly a month ago I left after my Social Perspectives in Sport debate to get the train home for the first time since I first arrived at University. I was so excited to get back and reminisce with my friends and family, as well as enjoy Christmas. When I got back I knew everything and where it was but it felt like a dream, as if Uni and my hometown don't go on at the same time. I got back to Uni last Sunday, as per usual goodbyes to friends were hard but I got over it quicker it this time and knew I had to suck it up. I had exams coming up which need to be revised for and given my everything, after my last exam I have a few days free so I decided to go home those days instead of waiting two and a bit months again. 

Finally, the reason I started this blog one of my closest friends Tiffani (twin sister to Tammy) started a blog and I've read each update so far, I find them quite hilarious and it's nice to read someone else's experiences...almost like I'm stalking but with permission and it's doesn't come under the category of weird. I tend to jokingly say how we're getting married till the point where I believe it and now am looking for a church or Vegas, quick and easy really.