Sunday 11 January 2015

Well...this is me?

My name is Liam Connor Aaron Browne and I'm an alcoholic 
Oops, wrong place. 

So I decided to start blogging due to me being quite bored at 3am and I feel I have too much on the mind at times so why not share it with the lovely internet...lovely being the optimistic word. I personally never saw much point in me blogging due to being so hateful and wanting to murder everyone. But now those urges have gone as I grow older, not long turning 20 and being a University student has really opened up a new world for me, by that I mean more microwave meals and feeling more alone than ever - Kidding, it's probably the same amount of microwave meals. 

On a serious note University was a big move as for many students and it was scary, not going to a educational place where my friends were, at first I felt really homesick and missed my friends feeling like we could of done more, but we did so much Netflix/series/movie binge watching, eating crap, drinking and many more non-sexual fun activities. At University I got along with my house mates straight away, they're all nice and easy to get along with, but my friends at home will always be my closest friends, they're family a whole new family. I also met some guys on my course we've worked on assignments on the group all lovers of football - one of them supports Arsenal, which is my football team since birth...but I'll get into my love of the team in another blog.

Since being at University I tend to Skype my best friend Tammy, just generally talking about how each others days been, how we were looking forward to seeing each other again...sometimes I would text soppy texts of how much she meant to me as a friend and how I wouldn't be able to get through a day without her, all that kind of soppy malarkey.

It's now the 12th of January 4am in the morning...since then I have been home exactly a month ago I left after my Social Perspectives in Sport debate to get the train home for the first time since I first arrived at University. I was so excited to get back and reminisce with my friends and family, as well as enjoy Christmas. When I got back I knew everything and where it was but it felt like a dream, as if Uni and my hometown don't go on at the same time. I got back to Uni last Sunday, as per usual goodbyes to friends were hard but I got over it quicker it this time and knew I had to suck it up. I had exams coming up which need to be revised for and given my everything, after my last exam I have a few days free so I decided to go home those days instead of waiting two and a bit months again. 

Finally, the reason I started this blog one of my closest friends Tiffani (twin sister to Tammy) started a blog and I've read each update so far, I find them quite hilarious and it's nice to read someone else's experiences...almost like I'm stalking but with permission and it's doesn't come under the category of weird. I tend to jokingly say how we're getting married till the point where I believe it and now am looking for a church or Vegas, quick and easy really. 

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