Monday 4 May 2015

It's a been a while since the last post - that's the title, good start.

I would have some lame excuse for being occupied, fighting crime, saving the world but not tonight. As of now I am actually quite busy with exam revision and watching Daredevil the marvel series, I mean, but seriously I have no decent excuse, I would say writers block but I'm not a writer - wouldn't even class myself as a blogger or a decent one (I laughed at that, it's sad I know). Does anyone actually read this apart from me? *cue crickets* That's what I thought. So as of late, I've been back at University getting back into the exercise routine more regular from Easter, but at Univeristy I don't jog, not this time around anyway, just working on strength, the summer is for jogging. This University year is almost over and it's kind of scary if I'm hones to how quick it goes. For those who have finished sixth form or college will be like me and wonder where the time has gone, but it's not always good to wish for that time back as that's just the current time wasted. 

So that's University covered, nothing more to say about it apart from meeting new people, who have become good friends and will make the next year more enjoyable, I finish in just under a month now and it's like I can't wait for the summer, hoping for a part- time job but the main thing is spending time with people I barely got to spend time with throughout the University year unless it was half term, I really do miss my friends when I come here, it's not that I don't like my friends here or the people here, it's just a lot of my friends are family to me I would literally fight every corner for them, stand by them and not to be to soppy they literally are everything to me and one day we'll be married, I don't want to think about that right now and it'll be sooner than we think and we'll get to hang out but not freely like we can now, as much as we would protest to the other half they're the ones who we will spend the rest of our lives with and the majority time will be spent with them, it's just life, part of growing up. I do question where the time goes a lot, it baffles me how I'm not a teenager playing on my xbox, fishing, having all the energy in the world, seeing my friends in school while being nagged to do our top button up. 

Ah man, nostalgia half kicked in when I was talking to one of my oldest friends Matt, he played a song by Nickelback and it just reminded us of all the times we used to stay up all night on the Xbox, go fishing, the first time we got properly drunk around his on his birthday, to think that was four years ago now. A lot of the time in my mind I always think am I an adult? hell, I don't feel like it. It's nice to think back sometimes puts things into perspective of how friendships started, why relationships ended and so on. 

I was on the phone to one of my other good friends well I had two phone calls earlier, but I'll start with the second, she had her birthday yesterday and we was talking about love life's, both a bit hopeless at the moment, I won't share more than that but yeah and she gave me a great piece of advice which I know I won't forget "How do you expect others to love you, if you don't love yourself" and it made me think I am too hard on myself, really I am, but it was nice to be able to get that kind chance to reflect on myself and go well she's right. 

The first conversation was with my bestie it was general chatting and catching up which I love doing with her as I find her a lot more interesting than me and has much more of a (how would I say it)...energetic personality ( see hard on myself ). Like most people you don't really see that until you get to know them well, I couldn't ask more from her when it comes to being there and knowing how to make me laugh, it's a good honest friendship, like most but with it's bonuses that bestfriends have. 

It's come to mind lately that sometimes the single life can suck but I've learnt to deal with that and I'm just looking forward to the summer and making most of the life I have really, face every day like it's your last is what I've been thinking lately. 


Also Daredevil and Gotham the series are amazing! 


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