Saturday 14 February 2015

A serious matter, for once.


I know, I know just the sheer sight of the word is displeasing and boring. Especially to people under the age of about 20, when people think politics  they think of the show on telly where they ramble on like Punch and Judy or it sounds like the turkey noises south park used to do on their older episodes when people were rambling on about pointless stuff.

But in the past year, it's taken the interest due to the difference between the higher and lower classes, it's absurd. We live in a capitalist country 'The rich get richer and the poor get poorer', makes communist sound great doesn't it? equal amount of wealth, well not exactly as communist countries are somehow worse even with it's motto. I don't see how it could ever be okay.

The part that hits home the most, tuition fee's 9,000 per year and when I tend to talk about this, the same argument comes along each time we only pay 9% a year and you only have to pay it when you're earning over 21,000 per year. Well, surely if you go to University the idea is that you want a job over 21,000 right? maybe 25-30 grand per year? that may just be me but even so it would only be just under 300 a year, doesn't sound like much with 30,000 pounds. But, it's a still debt we're paying for Education.

Education should be a right, not something we pay for now it's seems like University is a business a price tag the bit of tax doesn't hurt when paying for first and secondary schools or if University was the odd bit tax, on average a student comes out with 44,000 pounds worth of debt. 1/3 of those students go to a job that isn't related to their qualification.One of the reasons that the tuition fee's was increased was due to improve the teaching and this article provides an insight to how that's panned out - Now, don't get me wrong they're are some brilliant lecturers in University, but there's some that make a lot of students feel, I'm paying 9,000 each University a year for this and this is from personal experience in lecturers.

 Politicians are known for their false promises and one of them was not to increase the tuition fee's. Another reason that the increase was brought in was because we apparently can't afford to pay for the University's, on average there's 4.6 billion of tax avoiding...4.6 billion, that average will probably rise with the HSBC incident of the rich avoiding tax, so to say we can't afford it is absurd. Tax the rich and make them pay, we all pay tax so why for those who can afford it quite easily not have to pay it. One of those people avoiding tax for over two decades a property investor has been caught red handed, sounds great doesn't it *buzzer sounds* WRONG! the property investor Mr Bloomfield wasn't even charged. One Rule For The Rich, Another For The Poor. 

I'd happily become a socialist, who believe in everything to be equal or at least fair. I could never really vote still haven't yet. And not voting doesn't do much unless the people not voting are willing to protest, protest and protest hard. See not voting for me can be a bit of problem with a sports management course, due to the industry, the dilemma is that the people currently in charge (David Cameron Conservatives) think that nothing is wrong with the sports industry and nothing has to be done, which would be wrong to think.

Personally it feels like the politicians just care about big corporations and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way.


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