Sunday 1 February 2015

Video Games make me want to throw a fucking chair into Chuck Norris, then run for my life (General update and possible rant?)

Do you ever look into a mirror and go "Wow aren't you looking fine today" - Yeah, me neither. Feeling down and how I tend to deal with it, well first not well, just kind of let it sit there like how people do with STD's, it'll go away sure it will if you  leave it. Then I guess I just leave it to heal from hanging out with friends or eventually tell them, which is what I recommend if you have something on your mind, just tell someone you care about - make sure they care about you too otherwise it might be awkward, someone you've been stalking doesn't count. On that point make sure you can fully trust them as you may find some people you trust and that they might end up using this to their advantage and hurting you more - which makes you want to steal your parents car keys and going all kamikaze through their bedroom window while they're getting themselves off on how bad they make you feel ( people are assholes aren't they) or My Little Pony -- But, yeah...I'm not the best of dealing with things always, I would say I eat when I feel like that but I eat whenever I'm bored (taking advantage of a high metabolism).

I feel they're times where it is dealt with really well, like being able to laugh it off or at least try to then hysterically cry like today for instance I saw the song Story of a Lonely Guy by Blink-182 pop up on my phone and thought "did they make that for me" and being able to laugh that off, or being incapably and just emotionally retarded when it comes to finding someone. But, I feel I am lucky with the friends I have who take the bullet and I do the same, in fact we'd probably both get shot from a collateral from fighting for it (360 no scope #bringbackMW2).

I feel as a teenager now that you could have everything you need like a house, warm bed, friends and for some reason you're still feeling 'depressed'- now don't get me wrong they're are times where you will legitimately feel down and have good reason for it, some people still feel that in their adult years and it needs to be dealt with by professionals or at least some kind of therapy. But back to the point, I feel now that they were times I made myself feel down and I would love to go back to my former self and say six things:

1) People along the line will mistreat you and you will feel shit but seriously, fuck them and whatever you do, do not let them see how it makes you feel, rise above it. They're no better for it.

2) People you care about will get old and sadly pass away, don't make the mistake you made of letting it consume you through anger, it isn't what they wanted from you.

3) Don't take things too seriously, especially your relationships- you will find someone else and you will look back and think it wasn't worth the hours of feeling down and trying to get them back, they hurt you and it's crap, yes it is. But stick with your friends and things will be okay.

4) Learn how to play a guitar, trust me, you'll kick yourself otherwise

5) You will lose some friends down the line but when you're older you'll have the best friends you've ever had and ones that stand by you through everything

6) Arsenal do eventually get another trophy.

On the last note of depression, teenage years is music, I felt I let music make me feel how I felt too and that I let the lyrics consume me in the wrong mind, and feeling like crap, letting my mind get to that state, now there is nothing wrong with relating to an artist and their lyrics, but don't make the mistake of making it let you feel down.


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