Saturday 14 February 2015

Burn all the candles out, make a wish but not aloud. (It's been a while, sorry not sorry)

An update I guess, not that anyone cares. I write as if someone's reading but it's just me. Also it's not 'Writ' it's wrote, Murder She Wrote not Writ. God, I feel better now.


Well I can't really leave it that short, so the update - New laptop, the old one broke, just doesn't turn on any more so I had to get a new one, it's okay I can record with it, just not as well. Takes a while longer to process it into a video format after recording, but it's better than nothing. Apart from that I prefer this laptop to the old one, especially with it having Word and all that fun stuff? on it and now I have drop-box so can transfer files back and forth.

University, well it's good, new units that are actually quite interesting.  So glad that research skills is over, it was such a drag and made me hate life to be honest, had the odd bit to do with sport, just basic skills apparently to help towards, did it help? a handbook probably would of saved me time and a exam. There's now weekly assignments due in every week at the moment and only one of them actually get marked, the lecturer rolls a dice and that's how he chooses, so hard work in all of them really.

Lastly, this Blog's quite short, but not really short like above. - exercise routine because of my fucked up sleeping pattern I wake up about 6-7 during the week, so decided to take advantage of that and go running twice and week, as well as do circuit training. More on that in a later Blog.


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